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Four Baby care tips for first-time parents

Four Baby care tips for first-time parents

Nov 14, 2022

Becoming a parent for the first is an exciting experience. It is a feeling of joy that is difficult to put into words as a child brings out emotions in you that you’ve never felt before. Once parents have had their baby, they will feel a range of emotions, from ecstasy to anxiety. 

Moreover, Delivering the baby is just one part of the job; the other is raising them. Once a couple returns home with their child, they might feel lost as they have to care for the baby independently. New parents will face many challenges that they are not familiar with; hence the following tips can help all new moms and dads feel more confident in taking care of their babies. 

1. Reach out for help 

As new parents, it can be restless and agitating taking care of your newborn. Sometimes you will have no idea how to address concerns regarding your baby. Thus, first-time parents need to get as much help as possible.

When couples are in the hospital for delivery, they can reach out to many health professionals who can assist them with caring for their baby. For example, a lactation consultant can inform you about nursing, while nurses can demonstrate how to comfort, change and hold the baby. 

Moreover, if a child is born with special needs, then as a parent, raising your newborn becomes twice as challenging. Many children are born with specific disabilities like cerebral palsy, a neurologic condition. It occurs when a baby suffers from a birth injury, or its brain has not developed fully in the fetal development stage.

Additionally, many associated conditions come with cerebral palsy such as intellectual disability, hearing and vision impairment, and joint problems. Hence, parents with special needs children should consult a specialist that can brief them on how to assist their child’s needs. 

Furthermore, parents can also receive help from various in-home help options such as baby nurses, nannies, and doulas. New parents can also enjoy care and assistance from family members and relatives. Their advice and tricks on caring for the baby can be highly beneficial and comforting.  

2. Handle your baby gently 

New parents can find newborns intimidating when handling them, as they are delicate. Although moms and dads can be worried about hurting their little ones, there are a few things that every parent should know about handling infants. 

For example, before handling your newborn, always wash your hands or keep sanitizer near you. Taking care of your newborn with clean hands is essential as they can contract infections and germs due to their developing immune system. 

Parents should also be cautious when holding the baby. It is essential to support the newborn’s head and neck as their muscles are not strong enough yet. Thus, always place your palm under their head or behind their neck when picking them up. 

Moreover, playing gently and lightly with your child is essential. Roughly playing with them, such as shaking them or pulling their limbs, can hurt the baby. Instead, you can tickle them, make silly expressions, smile, or lightly blow on their feet or faces. 

Lastly, cutting nails is important as they can harm the baby and carry a lot of germs, carrying the risk of transferring them to the baby. Thus the baby’s and parents’ nails should be cut. For the baby’s nails, parents should cut them with a baby nail clipper or scissors and clip them straight and file them from the sides. 

3. Bond with your child 

Bonding is one of the most rewarding aspects of having a child. The first time parents bond with their child is in the first few hours when the baby is delivered. At that moment, the parents and the baby automatically connect. In addition, the skin-to-skin encounter between the baby and the parents right after their delivery aids in building an emotional connection. 

It is incredibly healthy for babies, as bonding with them impacts their physical and mental health. Touching, snuggling, signing, and staring into your baby’s eyes helps them feel calm and secure. It also releases essential hormones, such as oxytocin, that make the baby feel good. Additionally, these hormones aid in your baby’s brain growth. 

Moreover, many effective ways can help parents bond with their children, such as massaging their infant. These messages play a vital role for parents in building a connection with their child, as it aids in soothing them and making them feel secure. Parents can massage them right after a nap and use any oil of their choice. Remember to gently stroke their arms and legs and lightly rub their feet and tummy. 

Singing to your baby is also effective in bonding with them. Lightly singing them poems and lullabies help them feel cozy, and soon they start becoming familiar with their parent’s voices. In addition, vocal sound highly entices babies; hence play them soothing music and get them rattle toys. Parents should also talk to their babies as much as they can, as it supports communication growth. In addition, reading to your baby also helps aids in connecting with them. 

4. Learn diapering basics 

Most parents have already decided before their baby’s delivery if they will use cloth nappies or disposable diapers. However, no matter what you choose, your newborns will dirty their diapers many times a day. Thus for new parents, it is essential to learn all the basics of diapering. 

It is ideal for parents to have a changing station in their nursery where all the diaper supplies are within reach. It helps get the job done quickly and easily, and parents do not have to leave the baby unattended while they get all the supplies. 

New parents can find it confusing what products they should use for diapering as there is such a variety now. However, parents only need essential items, such as diaper ointments, unscented wipes, washcloths, cotton balls, and diaper rash cream. 

After knowing what supplies to purchase, parents should learn how to change a baby’s diaper. First, when the newborn passes stool or if they wet themselves, parents must put them on their back and gently take off the diaper. Next, use the baby’s wipes or wet the cotton balls and carefully wipe your child’s genital area. Once done cleaning, dry it off with the washcloth and finish it off by putting on a fresh and clean diaper on the child. 

Undoubtedly, diaper rash is a common problem that parents worry about. Unfortunately, babies can quickly get rashes as their skin is soft and sensitive, and wet, dirty diapers can easily hurt It. However, a few simple ways can help you avoid them, such as changing the baby’s diaper as quickly as possible, ideally after every bowel movement. 

In addition, make sure to thoroughly Clean your child’s bottom with baby soap and water and apply a significant amount of diaper rash cream as it will avoid moisture. Lastly, take the diaper off the baby for a few hours a day, as it will give the skin chance to breathe and dry off. 


Having a baby is one of the happiest moments of a person’s life. After having your baby, you know your life will not be the same and is changing for the best. As a parent, you want to give the finest to your child and take the best care of them. Yet, as new parents, you can find yourself lost and dazed at managing your newborn. However, feeling confused as a first-time parent is completely normal, and one should not feel guilty about it.

Learning about the baby’s needs will help you care for them and optimize their health. Thus a few simple ways can aid you, such as reaching out for professional help or from your loved one. Furthermore, parent knowing the basics of diapering and handling a child makes it easier to take care of them. Lastly, frequently bonding and connecting with your child can do wonders for your relationship. Hence, these tips can help you care for your baby like a pro. 

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