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5 Common Signs That You Might Need A Tooth Extraction

5 Common Signs That You Might Need A Tooth Extraction

Mar 20, 2023

A complete and perfect set of pearly whites is a wish everybody has. However, if you fail to properly care for your dental health, you might have to endure several dental procedures. Worse still, you might even have to pull out your teeth. The idea of getting your teeth removed could be scary, let alone undergoing the extraction process itself. Nonetheless, if you are experiencing constant toothaches, or other daunting oral problems, undergoing tooth extractions Campbell could be the only way to enjoy relief. Continue reading to learn about some common signs that you should have a tooth extraction.

1. Intense Tooth Pain

Serious tooth pain is probably the most common reason people seek tooth extractions. This concern is prevalent in instances where a patient has impaction.

Impacted teeth push on the gums and adjacent teeth, triggering a sharp pain radiating across the mouth. This pain could also worsen while chewing as you apply pressure on the tooth. Removing the impacted tooth is the only way to relieve this pain.

2. Seriously Infected Tooth

A tooth just beginning to decay or with a tiny cavity could be treated with various conservative solutions. However, if your tooth is severely decayed or infected, it is difficult to salvage it.

Even dental crowns cannot mask the damage of a severely infected tooth, so you should consider pulling it out. If you fail to remove the compromised tooth, the damage or infection could spread to neighboring teeth and gums.

3. Teeth Crowding

Teeth crowding may occur because of several reasons. For instance, one of your teeth could have developed more than others, drifted to the wrong position, or you may have serious malocclusion. In some cases, you could also have a double tooth or one huge tooth that crowds your entire dental arch.

Regardless of the cause of your teeth crowding, this condition places pressure on the adjacent teeth and results in discomfort and other dental issues like a poor bite. Besides, teeth crowding could keep other teeth from emerging, and if you require dental care, it also becomes hard to perform the treatment as well. As such, it is best to extract any overcrowded teeth.

4. Severely Fractured Tooth

Teeth fracturing could result from a sudden injury or blow to the mouth. This trauma exposes the inner dental pulp, resulting in heightened teeth sensitivity. A tooth fracture is also more susceptible to decay and infection, and might also have sharp and irregular edges that irritate your cheeks and tongue. Therefore, you should opt for a tooth extraction if your tooth is seriously fractured.

5. Advanced Gum Disease

Advanced periodontitis, which is the last phase of gum disease, is not quite common. Often, most people seek dental care while their gum disease is still in its early stages. Unfortunately, if you ignore your gum disease, you might suffer from bleeding and receding gums. Since the gum tissues are severely damaged at this point, the tooth becomes loose and must be pulled out.

For many people, having their teeth removed is a terrifying prospect. It is uncomfortable, can ruin your beautiful smile, and might make your remaining teeth shift. Nevertheless, removing a tooth to eliminate potentially worse dental concerns is occasionally necessary. If you experience serious toothaches, teeth crowding, serious fractures, decay, infection, or other troublesome concerns, talk to your dentist about the possibility of pulling the tooth out. Your dentist will always try to salvage the tooth. However, extracting it might be your best option if your condition is so severe or irreversible.

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